Spectrum Analyzer Starter Circuit kit (NO MSGEQ7 chip!!!) (GC-MSGEQ7-02)

Spectrum Analyzer Starter Circuit kit (NO MSGEQ7 chip!!!) (GC-MSGEQ7-02)

Regular price $3.00 USD
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With this kit, you can make a spectrum analyzer. It splits audio input into 7 bands. Then, you can port those 7 bands to separate Arduino inputs.

NOTE: THIS KIT DOES NOT INCLUDE THE CHIP!! if you need the EQ chip, please seethis product .

Everything you need to get the minimal circuit working is included in this kit. You don't need to source components. Kit includes a potentiometer to adjust sensitivity of the audio input, and a headphone jack so you can connect a standard audio cable.

Use suggestions: Make your whole room light up to the music!  See this video for a demonstration with Neopixels! This uses 6 meters ofNeoPixels .Connect NeoPixels to an Arduino, and change colors/patterns based on the MSGEQ7 chip.  Add real-time sound reactivity with the Electret Microphone. Here is the code for this pattern, courtesy JDBugman and Waterbury. Note: We suggest using a perfboard or a mini-breadboard for the included headphone jack. If you want to use this with a standard breadboard, we suggest removing the breadboard's power bus from the side, so a standard headphone plug will fit.

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